Get to know us!

We are crop producers in a protected environment, we specialize in cucumber in all of its varieties: slicer, long english and persian cucumber, also known and mini cucumber. We are now also producing peppers in a variety of colors.

We are a company formed by people devoted to producing the best crops in terms of quality, appearance, flavor and food safety, following work procedures safe for our employees, the environment and people who consume our products.


To produce and pack fresh crops in the constant pursuit of production and manufacturing processes that allow us to always offer value-added products of outstanding quality


To be able to offer our products in all seasons, using rational methods of production in terms of financial, technological and environmental responsibility.

To be the most reliable choice, and to always have production available for our customers,  by having production units in different geographical zones to make the most of the climate and nature.

Ser un medio que desarrolle comunidades y su entorno económico, que logre el apego de sus colaborados, proveedores y clientes, por ser ejemplo de prácticas empresariales siempre apegadas a la decencia en negocios y el desarrollo de las personas orientando al beneficio mutuo

Be a mean to develop communities and their economic environment , and to gain the commitment of it´s collaborators, suppliers and customers , for being an example of business practices and always conduct ourselves with decency in business practices and the development people guided to mutual benefit.


Decency : Always be worthy and honest in our actions and in our words, in our relationship and working with our employees, customers and suppliers.

Responsibility: Be responsible for the consequences of our actions and our employees , and the quality of our processes and products.

Humility: To always have a humble attitude towards God and Nature , we must understand that we should not challenge it , we must live with it . We must have the humility to recognize that we do not know everything and there is always something to learn and we must always be looking for new knowledge and improvements.

Efficiency: Try to achieve our goals using the best human, natural and financial resources available to us.

Tenacity : To work in a constant , creative and innovative way to reach our goals , always with enthusiasm to overcome the obstacles of the road.

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