Cucumber and pepper production available from November to May.

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European cucumber (Long English)

The european cucumber or “Long English” is a seedless cucumber with a thin green skin, without wax that is never bitter. This means you never have to peel them . The skin adds a sweet crunch to a refreshing taste. Excellent for salads , sandwiches , sauces, dressings , soups , dressings and cold vegetables dishes .


Mini cucumber

Mini versiones del pepino largo Inglés. Son pepinos más pequeños en tamaño y diámetro. La textura es un poco más crujiente y el sabor deliciosamente, ideal para picar por sí mismos o en ensaladas, platos de verduras frías y aderezos. Los niños les va a encantar!

Miniature version of the long English cucumber . They are smaller in size and diameter. The texture is a little crispy and deliciously flavored, ideal for snacks by themselves or in salads, cold vegetables and dressings. The kids will love it !

Zon 150910- 083

Red pepper

By having lots of vitamin A or niacin , red pepper prevents eye diseases , strengthens the immune system and has anticancer properties . Also for its high content of vitamin A, this vegetable also promotes good skin and mucous membranes.


Yellow pepper

Yellow peppers peppers are like all other of its kind, just that they are pigmented yellow. Obviously , This pigment has its reason for being and has different properties than their red and green brothers. Anyway, it remains a pepper and for that reason and has many of the same properties.

They are rich in carotenoids , given its coloration . Also rich in antioxidants , vitamin A, vitamin C, however without reaching the levels of it´s red brother in this department,very rich son in fiber, potassium and magnesium


Orange pepper

Colorful orange peppers, offer similar health benefits because of the nutrients they contain.

An orange pepper contains 190% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C , which is 75 milligrams for women and 90 milligrams for men. Vitamin C is a nutrient that supports healthy immunity and protects you from diseases. It also works to produce collagen , keeping skin healthy and helps heal wounds.


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